“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
yep,,,that's right Dr. Seuss, only 365 miles to go!
Since I began last week's "downer" blog with a Buddist qoute of extreme encouragement, I figured I might as well give you another more "encouraging" quote this week. Never know, this qoute thing could really take off for me.
Once again, I am in charge of sharing info this week. The good news, no, GREAT news, is that Chief is BACK on the trail. Yay! The few days of complete NIRVANA at the Trout Lake Abbey did wonders for him, both physically and mentally. Brother Kozen dropped him off at the trail head with best of wishes for a safe journey onward to Canada. After 2 1/2 days of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, massage, meditation, soaking, and eating organic eggs and fresh greens from the beautiful gardens...Kevin felt he was ready to get back on the trail. Even more exciting was that within about 20 minutes he met up with some of his favorite hikers, Lodgepole and Maverick (father-son team). We last said our goodbye's to them at Timberline Lodge. This boosted his confidence as he and Lodgepole (same age and same injuries) made a pact to get through the Goat Rocks together. Just what both of them needed. Most of the time on the trail, you don't ever walk together. Sometimes there may be a handful of hikers within a 10 mile section that might all meet up at lunch or camp in the same area at night. But, in this case, the two of them decided to stick together. I couldn't ask for a better companion than Lodgepole. Such a very sweet man. This also gave Maverick (son - same age as Shane) the opportunity to walk on with the small group of "20-somethings." They decided to take a little detour and go off the trail to peak Old Snowy Mtn. They returned with ice in their beards and very enthusiastic, as that age tends to be!
The next 3 days after leaving the Abbey was spent traveling to White Pass. This trail goes primarily through the Goat Rocks Wilderness, which by all accounts, is as beautiful as the Sierra's. High mountain passes, snow covered peaks, abundant wildflowers and lots and lots of tallis rock trail. Not such a good combo for a poor knee! But, he did it and arrived at White Pass on Monday afternoon feeling quite confident that he would be able to get through to Canada. The knee held out ok, still swollen a bit at night, but nothing advil and elevation doesn't take care of. Wish I had some pictures to share with you, but unfortunately, the focus has been on the knee and not pics. The one's that he said he took, have not come my way yet.
The weather has been just as promised by the PCT for the Washington Section......RAIN! Everyday, everyday just rain. One spends a lot of time drying things out when the rain stops. But, it's Washington. Every section has it's high and low points! Resupply box was at White Pass with a new shirt and boy oh boy!, did he ever get grief about that. Apparently, "hiker trash" do not get new shirts. No one told me about that. I figured after 2300 miles in that same shirt, laundry could no longer do justice...a new shirt was called for.
So, with a new shirt and a knee that should hold up...onward to CANADA we go. Take care my Walking Man, you're doing it!!!!
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Chief and Lodgepole at Timberline |
Chief's wife
little side note..there is a thru-hiker named Postholer.com. He does a very cool thing where he scans all the logs and puts them on his website
It was fun seeing "Chiefs" logs and others that we have been wondering about their whereabouts. You only know who is ahead of you and begin to hope that other's you've gotten to know are still heading for Canada and haven't had to leave the trail. I was able to tell Kevin that many of his favorites are right behind him! Thanks Postholer, cool website. Really like it.