Etna, Ca. mile 1606.5
Left my traveling vortex on July 16 at Castle Crags for the 100 miles to Etna.
First day I gained 5000 ft. coming out Castle Crags. You circle around the Crags and end up above them looking down. Had a campsite that night with a beautiful view of Mt. Shasta. The terrain and flora has changed now from the thick forest, dogwood and hundred of green plants growing from the surface to the tops of the trees. Leaving the Crags, the vegetation became less and terrain was a bit more rocky...not the thick forest I has just walked through where it was hard to get your pack through the trail.
The water situation remains a bit crazy. The trail goes on steep trails and ridges and to get down to all those lakes, rivers and creeks you all see on my map at home, is impossible and dangerous. I spend my day planning where I am going to get water. The best pleasure of my day is when you see fresh, cold spring water coming out of a pipe along the trail. A real treat.
Flashback. Thinking about Maureen. They are calling her the MTA (Mobile Trail Angel) - thanks again Paul, aka BeeMan. Many of the thru's look for Maureen in the camper. In fact, when I was coming down towards Chester at Hwy 36. I was so excited as I had contacted her and told her I was pretty close. NO camper to be seen at pull out on trail and Hwy. 36. I text her and she replied, "oh oops." Went on to say that she was in Chester with Roger Dodger. Roger Dodger is younger, better looking, Princeton grad and faster walker. Of Course she's in Chester with Roger Dodger!
Also, we had some really exciting news from our son this week that he proposed to his long time girlfriend. He told Maureen, but what she didn't realize is that Shane had told me during his week with me on the PCT, in those beginning days. He explained that he was planning on asking her sometime in the near future, but I would still be on the trail. He made me promise not to tell Maureen Well, Maureen was sitting at the Brewery telling everyone that she was so excited to see Chief to tell him the BIG news. Across the table from her sat Kiddo. She made a funny face when Maureen announced the news. Kiddo had been sworn to secrecy by me that she was to tell NO ONE on the trail of this upcoming event! Well, there's Maureen in the Etna Brewery and ready to spill the beans and Kiddo knew already! She blurted out..."Is Shane engaged!!!" From what I've heard from the other hikers, it was absolutely hilarious. Maureen was stunned. It is a special thing that one can talk about life, family and other important things to people you hardly know on the trail. Thanks to Kiddo for her big secret.
Big Mile days. I'm so exhausted at the end of the day. Coming to the end of a 29 mile day, I came into Moosehead Spring and found a nice campsite. It was also good bear habitat. I heard the Bear about 12:30 at night. It was so close that I could hear his heavy breathing tearing the log apart near my tent. I couldn't see him, but had my flashlight in hand just in case. Somehow, I fell asleep with the flashlight in my hand and the bear was gone. Exhausted.
Flies, Bee's and other things??? There are these black fly things that sound like a B-52 bomber. They do these insane circles around you as your walking. One or two times is ok, but after a bit, it's sort of freaky. Then there's the black and yellow bee looking things. They hover and stare at you. I did a stare down with one. It was ridiculous and lasted at least 5 minutes. Then there are the flies. They are everywhere and almost worse than the mosquitos. They don't bite much, but they are EVERYWHERE.
Trail Names. Every once in a while you will meet somebody that their trail name just fits. Walking a couple of days from Etna I met a southbounder (SOBO) who stopped to chat. He had heavy boots, heavy pack, long sleeved shirt, long pants, towel under his hat and he had this smile that was kind of off kiltered looking. He seemed a little off, not trying to be judgemental, but just a bit off. He started North bound at Mexico, then changed his mind, flew to Canada, started Southbound, but got caught in the snow. Changed his mind so he started walking to fill in the gaps. Asked him his trail name and he replied, "Oh Delaware Bob gave me the trail name of FOREST GUMP" - nailed it!"
The Etna Buzz. Roping competition right across from our campsite. Sorting, roping, Maureen's in heaven...even a few appaloosas! Softball tournament on the other side, neighbors playing Blue Grass until 2am (wonderful, by the way) and then there's the main street of Etna. Don't really know where to begin to describe our Friday evening on main street. It was so classic, small mtn. town experience. Etna closes their 3 blocks of main street (that's all there is) and everyone jams with the Blue Grass perfomers, very casual. It was so cool. I had my Tom's Place hat on and met a couple that was originally from Bishop. They are active in the Backcountry Horsemen unit here and we had a great time talking with them. Then John Lyons found us and talked for about 1 hour about packing on the PCT and his lifelong committment to the PCTA trail volunteers. We promised to join him in the N. Calif. trail work week next year. What a great volunteer he is. Lyon's Pride. They fed over 50 hikers and worked over 50 miles of overgrown trail. Nice fellow. Otis would love to chat with this man! Had others come and sit with us as they heard I was walking the trail. Lots of questions and nice people. Everyone loves Bodie. They are not sure what kind of dog he is...seems silly as Aussie's are so popular back home. Apparently, not here. People just stare at him and ask a lot of questions (not that I don't ask myself questions about this dog most of the time!).
Chief and John Lyons |
Blue Grass on Main Street |
It was a very special night. Looking forward to resting my body tomorrow on my Zero Day in Etna. More brewery action for sure.
Mt. Shasta in the background |
The Crags |
My walk for the last 100 miles |
Bodie finding Chief on trail at Etna Summit |
What's missing from this picture! Yep, broke. |
Beautiful Scott's Valley/Etna |
Getting ready for the next 200 miles...almost to OREGON! |
Checking for socks without holes |
The complete kitchen. 1600 miles ... 1000+ more to go |
Our private little roping arena fun |
Etna folks and their horses...they go everywhere together |
Forest Service Packing for the PCTA trail crew. Saw them at Etna Sumitt |
Had brother Bob and his wife Sara |
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