July 8, 2013 (Erin's 28th birthday!!!)
Drakesbad - Lassen National Park mile 1353
I do believe that I just had the most perfect campsite ever. Drove from Chester on the Warnervalley Road until it ends. This is Drakesbad. It's not really a town, it's a resort, located within the boundary of Lassen National Park. Unfortunately!!! couldn't really stay at the resort as it's just a bit out of our spending range ($350/per person, per night!), not that we would have wanted to anyway! There is a National Park campground with 12 sites and the coolest Host, Steve (who stayes in a Teardrop). Stayed in site #10, directly on top of the PCT. Literally. I hope you can tell in my pics. That's my rig right next to the logs which run alongside the trail. So cool. Got to see hikers throughout the day and give them fruit, lemonade, beer, whatever they wanted. Saw about 4 hikers, all one's that I have met along my resupplies.
Wasn't really able to walk Bodie on the trails as we are in the Park, so decided to walk down the road to Drakesbad Resort. Well, I had read many accounts that the managers were pretty friendly to thruhikers and even offered up the pool and showers. Not really so nice this time around. As I was hanging out, Kiddo came down the trail with her little pigtails and sweet disposition. She tried asking if she could have lunch and they agreed, if we sat away from the guests. Well, it all worked out, but really not as friendly right now as they have been in the past. Flippers (named at Campo because he wore those "funny" shoes)..didn't last long, arrived a few minutes later. Now that he is in regular shoes and always looking so clean, I was able to give him a new trail name. "mr. clean". My first trail naming! He was a bit shy, but accepted name. He's a 29 year old, Arabic translator. Cool guy. As he was walking through the campground later in the day, he spent 3 hours hanging out with me. Waiting for the heat to subside before climbing the big mtn ahead of him. Chief arrived early afternoon. It was a "light" day with only 18 miles under his belt. I can't believe I'm even saying that? This group talks about 20's being a light day. They are all up in the high 20's and low 30 mile/per day group. Still that gets him into a campsite early/late afternoon. I will see him tonight after a 22 mile day and then he has the big walk along the dreaded HAT CREEK. It's a 30 plus mile stretch of nervousness. Hot, dry and no water. Rumor has it that there is a water cache alongside a FS road. I will check it out and add 30 gallons of water if not supplied. The plan for a few of them is to stay at the "subway cave"(Old Station) during the heat of the day and then leave to do the 30 mile stretch at night. I can tell they are all a little anxious about this stretch as the heat just has not subsided much. Water is an issue.
We had Cowgirl and Midnight Choc. stay with us last night as they were coming through right around dinner time. Made cookies in the camper and a bit of red wine, how could they leave. They both thought they were in heaven. Up at 5am, served the 3 of them a big, hearty breakfast and off they went.
I love this trail and I love all the hikers I have met. What a special community this is. I have really enjoyed driving through these little mtn towns and roads. I love that they all have little library's and wonderful hardware stores! And Dan (my postman)....still some cute litte Postoffices! Happy to see this.
Off to Old Station where I will stay for a couple of days. The three of them should be arriving this afternoon. They will fly today as they are SLACKPACKING. Left their backpacks in the truck and just carrying day packs with water and lunch. Pretty nice. They actually felt a bit quilty when they left! The best was that Chief used my PINK day pack....Just for you Hilly (BreastCancer Awareness walk today).
Until later.
Chief's wife
PCT groupie |
my little notes |
The door to the Restaurant...not so friendly though? |
Drakesbad |
Kiddo and Mr. Clean eating at Drakesbad |
That's my Golden sign I keep looking for |
Kiddo on the trail |
Bad Bodie on the Natl' Park Trail |
Chief |
Chief, Cowgirl, Midnight Choc |
Saying goodbye |
Site 10 on the PCT!
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